Finger elements

Artech’s finger elements are manufactured using NiCr wire through sintered alumina ring beads and have tails terminated with connector blocks for connection to the desired power source. Their hard-wearing and robust nature means they are able to withstand the harshest of on-site use as an established pre and post weld heater, with little or no maintenance required. Standard element maximum working temperature is 1050°c, with each finger being rated at 120 amps / 1.3 volts.
Finger Elements

ART 0220

A standard finger element will hold 46 fingers as shown below, but many other sizes up to 62 fingers are available, with the number of fingers required being calculated using the the following…

ASP 1203

Ceramic heating elements

Click on the product boxes below to find out about our range of ceramic heating elements

Flexible ceramic pad heaters

Mains Heaters

Mains heaters

Channel and multibank heaters

Channel and multibank heaters 

Flexible insulated preheaters

Flexible insulated preheaters

Magnetised Insulated Preheaters

Magnetised insulated preheaters

Preheating Cassettes

Preheating cassettes

Finger Elements

Finger elements

Wraparound heaters

Rope Heaters

Rope heaters

Snake heaters

Snake heaters

Tape heaters

Tape heaters

One and two line heaters

One and two line heaters

For all ceramic heating elements please click here